The Rise in Co-Working Space Usage



Today there are approximately 1 million co-working spaces globally – the majority being in the US, UK and China. You might find the co-workers discussing something like the best casino sites or sharing other top tips, which speaks to the generally relaxed environment co-working spaces offer.

To get a glimpse of where co-working space is taking off in Europe we thought it would be interesting to look at some of the regions and cities where co-working spaces are opening the most frequently.

Given the increase in the utilization of such spaces, we can understand that there may be a significant rise in the demand and supply of co-working offices and similar establishments. This could also indicate a higher population density in such areas. Therefore, establishing proper alarmanlagen gewerbe could be prioritized to maintain strong security with protocols in place for any potential breach or any such issue. Since such high-density workspaces could also have a significant amount of confidential and restricted data, maintaining physical or external security could be the first step toward preserving data.

We, however, found six co-working space cities that have been taking up the most space in Europe, and the UK, since 2014.

Co-working space cities: the UK

The UK represents one of the top co-working space cities globally. In total the UK saw 280 new co-working spaces opening since 2014, and the rise of co-working spaces has contributed to an almost 250 percent growth in London’s co-working space usage.

Leeds is the second city that has seen the most co-working space openings in the UK since 2014 – 75, taking 7.7 million square feet of space. Leeds has been one of the fastest-growing cities in the UK in terms of population growth and is experiencing a major increase in demand for new housing to accommodate the increase.

Further north Manchester has experienced a rise in the utilization of co-working spaces, as well as increased investment into co-working space spaces. Manchester is experiencing an increase in demand from private landlords looking to invest in new high-quality private housing for renters.

Out of all the UK cities it is Brighton and Hove that have seen the most growth in the utilization of co-working space since 2014. More than 50 new co-working spaces have opened across Brighton and Hove since 2014. However, Bristol is the city that has seen the newest co-working space opening in the UK since 2014. This city has almost doubled its utilization with new co-working space taking up an impressive 54,000 square feet of space in the city.

Co-working spaces cities: the Netherlands

The Netherlands saw 210 new co-working space openings taking up 57,500 square feet of space in the cities of Rotterdam, Amsterdam and The Hague. The Netherlands is one of the European countries that has experienced an increase in co-working space usage since 2014.

Rotterdam has seen the most growth of all of the cities that have been taking up more space in the Netherlands, doubling its usage with new co-working space taking up 33,000 square feet of space in the city. Amsterdam has also seen an increase in the usage of co-working space, in the city itself the uptake has increased by 167 percent since 2014.

When looking at the city with the highest growth in the Netherlands the city that has been seeing the most growth is The Hague. Since 2014 Amsterdam has seen an increase in the utilization of co-working space by more than double, although The Hague has seen the most new co-working space opening since 2014.

Perhaps one of the biggest facts to take from this data is that the Netherlands is the country of choice for many of the startups to scale up their operations.
