The Need for Financial Sector Regulation



A bank cannot be trusted to provide more services by holding riskier assets on its balance sheet, hedging riskier derivatives or funding itself with short-term debt. It would be like a bank offering those casino rewards vip platforms periodically give out to reach more new players.

Banks and insurers are being forced to cut operating costs to improve the profitability of businesses. McKinsey Research estimates that sales and marketing absorb 15% of financial-services companies ” costs – thus improved efficiency of these activities can lead to significant cost savings. If banks provide similar services, they are likely to lose significant business to fintech companies.

As competition in the financial services sector intensifies, banks will have to adopt a data-driven approach if they are to remain competitive. Banks already have access to vast amounts of data about their customers, but, due to multiple limitations, this data cannot be turned into useful insights. The ability of established banks and insurers to gain useful insights from unlimited big data will be a strong differentiator for the future competitiveness of financial institutions.

Providing world-class customer service is a priority for banks, credit unions and financial brokers, and research shows that good customer service can be the main reason for customer loyalty to financial institutions. Research conducted by Harvard Business Review (HBR) adds that the best customer service can improve credit union and customer loyalty, coupled with valuable services that offer customers financial solutions to their problems and frustrations.

In a highly competitive market for financial solutions, many financial services providers seek to increase the loyalty of credit unions and bank customers by offering loyalty programs, products and services that go beyond their original businesses. Your company may want to take advantage of offerings that go beyond standard life insurance, credit services and financial solutions to deeper the customer experience and customer care for the right values and services to build a loyal community.

Digital financial services with added value cover a wide range of services such as digital loyalty packages, mobile financial services, eGovernment and much more. For a bank, digital value-added services are the core business and what it offers its customers.

The term “value creation” describes the economic development a company gives to its products and services by offering them to its customers. Value creation helps explain why companies can sell their goods and services for more than their production costs. The added value of a product or service is important because it provides consumers with an incentive to buy that increases the company’s revenues and profits.

Value creation is an added value that goes beyond the original value. In other words, it is an evolution of a product or service by a company or an individual to offer it to the end customer for sale. Value creation offers a better or additional service in the form of a sales service or better customer service.

Value-added services can be provided by mobile networks themselves or a third party provider of value-added services (VASP), also known as content providers (CP), such as Headline News or Reuters. Premium fees for content are known as Mobile Value Added Services (MVAs), also known as VASs.
