Sometimes it’s hard to rely on the monthly allowance your parents give you whilst in college. There is a point where you feel you need more things to help you with your schoolwork. You might be seeking for funds to cater for your project and the money from home is not enough. Then the question that will pop in your head is; how can I make money in my surroundings?
Well, if you at a look around you, there are chances that you will take note of things that can give you some extra bucks including writing content for top online casinos. All you need is to make sure you find something that will offer you quick bucks. Not only are you looking for some extra cash to help you with your schoolwork, but you may also want to join in with those college festivities your peers are going on about, and you might have even heard the news about being able to get some fake IDs to do that with, so you want to pick up as much cash as possible to make your college experience a memorable one.
Avoid being a famous broke college student by making use of the following ways to make money. From tutoring to driving an Uber, your cup of coffee is surely available to soothe you.
Sell photos
Photography is a versatile way to make money. You could photograph cities, nature, the sky, and cars among several other things to sell them to interested buyers, ranging from magazines to users in a Reddit forum, and everyone in between. If you have the inherent skill of taking good photos, it could work well in your favour because there will almost always be a person to buy the content you provide.
You might even benefit from checking out different platforms online that specialize in the sale of image and video-based content. And the great thing about these platforms is that you could post a variety of visual content to sell. Even feet pics can earn money! So, explore your options and see if the shoe fits.
Work for Campus Security
Many campus security personnel actually make a decent amount of money whilst on duty. And, as a student, there are possibilities that you can find a position that will surely fit your schedule. At the end of the day, you need to balance your schoolwork and your side hustles as well.
Moreover, other security jobs can be available off campus. If you are a masculine, you can become bouncer at a nearby college
Work for the Campus IT
There is no other nightmare for college students than to have their computer crash or malfunction. Well, if you are a computer geek, this is your opportunity to make real money out of this. Working as an IT support for the campus will enable you to make extra cash. An average of $15 per hour is not bad at all if you are lucky.
At the same time, when you don’t have a client that need their computers fixed, you can play online casino games at your favourite online casino and win.