Technology That We Wish Existed



Technology is changing the world that we live in and we cannot deny that fact. However, as great as the technology that we have is great, there is still so much more that we wish that we could do with it. And below we will look at technologies that we all wish actually existed.

Physical Search Engine

We can’t deny the fact that one of the technologies that we wish that we had was a physical search engine. You know how we can easily search for the best online casino games at sites like and we have them within a few minutes, we wish that we could the same thing with the physical things that we lose. With a few clicks of a few buttons, we have exactly what we are looking for.

Portable Lie Detector

Another technology that we all know that we wish we had is a portable lie detector. One that will easily help us to figure out the lies as they are being told. At times we have that gut feeling that someone is lying to us but we just don’t have the evidence of it. But if we had a portable lie detector, life would be made easier. Maybe high roller casino online sites would use it to find defrauders.

Human Mute Button

There are times when the world just gets a bit too loud and we wish we could be in silence. That is why we know that people wish that they had a human mute button. One that you can press and then everything just goes quiet.

TV Cooking Taster

For most of the people who love to experiment with food, we know that you wish you had a way of tasting the food on cooking shows before actually cooking it. Therefore wouldn’t it be nice if there was a TV cooking taster? One that allowed you to taste food in cooking TV shows before you actually prepare it.
