Get smarter with money management – Make 2019 a better year for your



When it comes to achieving financial success, it takes something more than just luck. You need to demonstrate dedication, discipline and lots of sacrifice and compromise. You have to set both short term and long term goals and then walk on the right track so that you could achieve all the financial goals that you’ve set for yourself. These are basically all the things which the Americans seem to be struggling with. However, it is fortunate enough to note that just making a list of your financial goals will make you more likely to achieving them.

Every now and then, you will find Lady Luck stepping in and changing everything that you had planned. This is when you may suddenly fall short of cash and you may have to seek help of emergency loans like payday loans or cash advance loans. While you might be looking forward to making 2019 a memorable year for your finances, here are few tips you may keep in mind.

#1: Focus on building an emergency fund

There are no such money goals which are worth it if you lose your shelter. Since it is impossible to get an idea of what life may throw at you, you should always stand ready with an emergency cushion. When we say ‘emergency funds’, we mean an account which has funds that are kept aside for reasons like financial dilemma or a loss of job or a big medical expense. Majority of the experts will tell you to keep aside at least 3 months of living expenses aside in case of emergencies.

#2: Trigger off your high interest debt

If you have a stable income to support you, you should first trigger off your debt. For emergency loans to pay off debt, you can seek help of sites like from where you can grab loans without having to check your credit score. However, taking on a loan to pay off another loan is a risky approach and you should only go about this process when you’re sure about being able to repay on time.

#3: Design a budget and follow it

Did you ever sit with your family to create a budget? 35% of you must have never followed a budget and this is why you’re still lagging behind. What is stopping you? If you have enough time to deal with your finances, you should categorize your expenses as this can be a huge eye-opener. You have to craft a frugal budget and stick to it throughout the year so that you can also make changes and adjustments when needed.

#4: Take steps to boost your credit score

One of the most famous items on your list of fiscal goals is the way in which you can boost your credit score. Firstly, you have to find out your credit score and then check the credit ratings which have contributed to your score.

Therefore, whenever you’re eager to make 2019 a worthy financial year for you, you should follow the above listed tips and strategies to stay on top of your finances.
