Income Diversity in 2021



After a turbulent year something that has become apparent to many is that having some diversity in your income streams can certainly set you up for success in the future, and many individuals have started to seek out different opportunities to find other sources of income on the side, they can, in addition to this page, read more here about this. Some approaches have been much more successful than others, and there are a fortunate few who have certainly been able to turn things around with good fortune and good planning. But where have the biggest opportunities been found by the successful few?

Investing and trading – One that has gained a lot of attention at the start of this year in particular had been with retail trading opportunities and other investments – whilst crypto has found a home in many services as bitcoin games at for example have grown, it has entered a bit of a rough patch given the crackdown in China and recent concerns around the environmental impact could lead to a continued drop for this as an investment option. Similarly, retail trading with the likes of GameStop has hit the news throughout the year too, encouraging many individuals to try their own hand at trading stocks – it is a bit of a gamble, but if you’re lucky enough to get into a good spot then you can certainly come off much better out afterwards.

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Online Retail – E-commerce has enabled many to create an opportunity to make good money, especially through online retail stores. Several online retailers set up their business with a commitment to make the retail experience quicker and more convenient, thereby amassing an enormous customer base, and delivering products of an equally enormous range. However, that is not to say that there cannot be any niche shopping sites. For example, there may be sites dedicated to specific items, such as vapes or electronic goods.

Now, if you’re actually looking to establish, a vape store, you need to build a user-friendly website, find an Online Vape Shop or supplier from whom you can buy vapes to build an inventory, and market them on different platforms online. This highlights the steps that you need to take when you want to build a business online, which can vary based on what you’re trying to sell. It is important to note that when you’re running up an e-store, you’re essentially selling convenience. This is something that customers can enjoy by not having to look for a retail outlet for the things they want.

Freelance platforms have been invaluable – For the crafty types and the professionals alike, sites that allow for freelancers to register their own business and start selling their services or products have been huge over the past year, those like Fiverr and Etsy have led to individuals finding huge success in opening their own businesses off the back of the freelance options and finding huge success too. Those having their own ‘side hustle’ as well as a regular job have increased over time thanks to these platforms and have provided the much-needed income diversity for those hoping to find a longer-term solution.

The opportunities have come through in all shapes and sizes, and whilst seeing the lucky few make six figures through these platforms only working a few days a week it does inspire change, whilst not all ventures will find this same level of success if you are looking at making a change to secure more security for yourself in the future then there are certainly lessons to be learned as well as somewhat of a blueprint on where the biggest successes can be found – it’s certainly something worth exploring if you haven’t done so yet, and if you’re able to turn your free time into an opportunity to earn a little on the side, then it’s worth trying out in the short term to see if it’s something for you.
