
Welcome to scottandterry.com, the website which offers all visitors financial and business wisdom. From business and finance to marketing, management, insurance and so much more, this is the place to access clear, concise and quality content. Before we begin, let us introduce ourselves.

The Story Behind scottandterry.com

We are two professional bloggers named Scott Briggs and Terry Hamilton and scottandterry.com is our creation. Though we haven’t been blogging together for that long, we had worked together on many a project before deciding to turn our hands to creating this website.

We both met whilst attending a local business conference and found our skills, expertise, and outlook made for a great business collaboration. Having clicked professionally at this conference, we then realized we had not been living far from one another in California, USA, both our hometown since childhood. Reasoning that we had a wealth of experience and expertise between us, we decided to collaborate in a joint website venture and that is how scottandterry.com came to be.

Utilizing Our Background

By joining forces and combining our strengths in business and finance, we have been able to create a website that visitors will not only want to access, but rather continue to refer to time and time again. They can also keep themselves up-to-do-date with the trends and comings and goings of the marketplace.

As passionate bloggers, we understand how quick the internet moves and the information people access therefore needs to move with it too. That’s why on our website you will be able to select categories and articles that are fresh and up-to-date and focus on what matters currently in the business and financial world.

What to Expect From scottandterry.com

We hope to offer all visitors to this website twice the knowledge, information and guidance about anything related to the world of business and finance. Whether through intelligent articles, factual guest blog posts or even relevant advertisements, we hope this will be the website you turn to for all your financial subjects and business topics. Having two professionals in all the areas of finance and business is one thing, but having two who are also professional bloggers is an entirely new ball game! We will capitalize on this to ensure that this website remains not only relevant, but fresh and vibrant and able to change to match that of the progressive business world.

Business and finance can be complex at the best of times, but it need not be inaccessible and neither does it have to be monotonous and irrelevant to those perhaps new to the subject. We want to celebrate the good elements of the industry, whilst maybe even offering personal guidance to start-ups or entrepreneurs as they take their first steps.

Working Together to Encourage a Community

We are both living proof of what can be accomplished and achieved by working together, and our goal is to encourage a sense of community on this website. This industry allows plenty of room for progression and advancement. We want to celebrate the small business, the self-employed, the online business and the entrepreneurs. Whatever business you are involved in, we would love to hear your thoughts and experience. Let us all work together to improve the online business and financial community; we can all learn so much from each other as we do.

We would love you to join us on this exciting adventure. So, whether you are looking to get into the industry, would like some guidance or maybe you are searching for tips on going it alone, this is the place where you will find all of this and so much more. Welcome to the community!