4 New Year’s business resolutions your business can make to be more sustainable



Many business’s return in the new year with a renewed focus on working towards financial business goals however the more environmentally conscious organisations’ will also be looking at how they can make their operations more sustainable. This can have tax relief benefits and improve the function of the business as a whole.

Even some organisations would go out of their way to be sustainable. There are several organisations that are known to have considered something like custom shipping containers for constructing affordable and eco-friendly modular building units. As an alternative to the traditional brick-and-mortar structure, the shipping containers can be modified and configured to suit different business needs.

Anyway, if you are on the path to becoming sustainable, here are some of the business New Year’s resolutions you can make that will lessen your impact on the environment.

  • Start recycling the un-recyclables of your workplace

Whilst recycling is a good way to cut down on the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, a lot of what an office or retail outlet throws away cannot be recycled in traditional channels. This is where the different start-up recycling companies come in.

With these businesses you can dispose of waste that includes but is not limited to: crisp packets, sweet wrappers, pens, toothbrushes, coffee bags and drinks bottles. If you can start to recycle these goods you will cut down on your waste costs. Besides these, you can start recycling computers and other electronic wastes that are bound to harm the environment in the long run.

  • Adopt organic jute bags to cut down on the plastic pollution

Getting a grip on your company’s baggage policy is one of the key parts in reducing your waste. If you are an office based business, encouraging employees to opt for, say, organic cotton bags over single use plastic ones is an easy step you can take to start cutting down on the plastic in your workplace.

Equally, if you are a retail store then one of the key ways you can make your business less environmentally damaging is through introducing reusable bags as part of your product offering. An organic jute bag is perfect as it can be reused again and again by your customers spreading brand awareness and taking away the damaging polythene products.

  • Encourage more cycle to work schemes and public transport

In addition to introducing more recycling and reusable organic jute bags in the workplace, another way you can cut back on environmental degradation is through creating a cycle to work scheme. These have been proven to increase productivity and have a real impact on the amount of carbon emissions that are released through car transport. If this is not realistic for your business, incorporating a public transport scheme or maybe even ev solutions (electric vehicles) for that matter, might also help make you a greener organisation.

  • Try and find ethical companies for your business supplies

Cooperation is essential when it comes to improving your businesses impact on the environment and part of this cooperation is finding ethical suppliers to partner your business with. Whether you are looking for a recycling business or a supplier of quality organic jute bags, always try and go into business with organisations’ that take a proactive approach in lessening their contribution to climate change.
