3 Ways To Encourage Your Employees To Be Safer While At Work




Whether you work in a physically dangerous environment or are simply an owner or manager at an office building, it’s important that you know how to best keep your employees safe while on the clock. Whether you are looking to implement new Fire Protection measures, or if you are looking to go over some new processes you are putting in to place with any employees, every worker’s safety is always number one priority. However, even if you’re trying your best to ensure that everyone who works for you is safe, there’s only so much you can do without the compliance of each and everyone member of your staff. So to help keep you from having to do too much workers’ compensation paperwork or from gaining a reputation as an unsafe work environment, here are three ways you can encourage your employees to be safer while at work.

However, if there is still a possibility of your employee getting injured during working hours, it could be beneficial to opt for workers compensation insurance. It can cover general and professional liabilities, business property damage, business owner policy, equipment damage, etc., depending on your business industry.

Be An Example Of Correct Safety Principles

Before you can expect your staff to follow the safety rules you’ve put in place, you first have to follow those rules yourself. According to USA Today, this means more than just doing things like wearing ear protection when that’s a behavior that you expect of others. Being an example of correct safety principles includes doing things like offering help or guidance where someone might not be sticking strictly to the safety guidelines you’re showcasing and making sure that you yourself are aware of national or state standards for safety. If you aren’t taking it upon yourself to be in the know, how can you expect your employees to be doing that either?

Another example of this would be cleanliness. You can tell your employees to clean up after themselves, which is beneficial of course, but when it comes to the bigger picture, hiring commercial cleaning services in Seattle, WA, or wherever you are based, is essential for the upkeep of your office. But, just because you hire them, it does not mean your employees can be lax with their own cleanliness. Tell them what they should be doing, not just for themselves but their fellow staff members. Don’t forget to also actively show that you are doing it too, they will take your lead.

It’s also important to focus on physical safety measures within the workplace. For instance, ensuring proper handrail safety in areas with stairs or elevated walkways can help prevent slips, trips, and falls. Regular inspections should be conducted to ensure all handrails are secure, properly installed, and meet safety standards. Even something as simple as a loose or unstable handrail can lead to serious accidents, so taking the time to maintain these features can go a long way in protecting employees and visitors alike. By making these proactive safety checks a habit, you set a strong example of the importance of maintaining safety standards across all areas of the workplace.

Give Recognition When Procedures Are Followed

To further encourage your employees to know and follow the safety procedures set in your place of business, Julie Copeland, a contributor to Arbill.com, recommends that you give recognition to your staff members when they do follow procedures. This means taking your encouragement from simply correcting when you see something done wrong to openly praising when you see something done right. While this doesn’t necessarily have to be a big form of recognition, at least letting your staff member know that you noticed his or her effort to follow the safety guidelines as soon as you notice is happening can help to encourage more of this type of behavior in the future.

Ask Employees For Their Help Improving Safety Processes

If you’re having a particularly hard time getting your employees to follow the safety protocols that you’ve put in place, the staff of EHS Today suggests that you try involving your workers more in the process of creating the safety standards. By asking your staff members to do some of the problem solving for you and create their own safety guidelines, they will feel more invested in following these rules and helping you to enforce the safety procedures to other staff members.

If you want to have a safer organization, consider using the tips mentioned above to learn how you can better encourage your staff to adhere to safety protocols.
